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How Can Digital Marketing Boost Your Business?

Marketing has always been about identifying the prospects, before connecting with them, in the right place and at the right time. The right place, in today’s world, is predominantly the internet, where they’re already there. Thanks to Digital Marketing, which refers to any form of marketing that is done using electronic devices or on the Internet. In this internet-savvy world, businesses make the most of different digital platforms, including search engines, emails, social media, and websites, to contact their target audiences – existing and potential customers.

The finest digital marketers are well-acquainted with how every digital marketing campaign supports their all-encompassing marketing goals. If you are using social media networks, online content creation or email supports your marketing efforts. A few other digital marketing ideas include marketing automation and SEO. Digital marketers are responsible for brand awareness and lead generation through these digital channels.

Why Do You Need to Go Digital?

Digital marketing is an indispensable element of establishing a successful start-up from the scratch. In spite of this, many establishes ignore this low-cost, high-rewarding business strategy. Your audience are online. More than 50% of consumers make purchases online, creating opportunities for small- and medium size- businesses (SMBs), permitting them to access new markets. The number of online consumers is constantly growing. That means, businesses that do not adopt digital marketing strategies are missing a huge chunk of sales opportunities. So, choosing the perfect digital marketing agency is the crux to bring tremendous traffic to your website. Most importantly, choose the service provider overarching all the strategies under digital marketing, including SEO, mobile SEO services, PPC services, content marketing, ORM (Object-related Mapping) solution, and ROI (ROI) solution. Also, as web analysis and analytics reporting provide you site visitors’ data that help you optimize your content depending upon users’ interest. It’s important to know users activities on your business or blog website.

There are numerous reasons why you need to adopt digital marketing strategies. Here are the five important benefits:

Increases Traffic and Conversions

Digital marketing is a great way to promote a brand on the internet. Most of the businesses target a specific audience and digital marketing helps them reach the target audience via online and other digital channels. Digital marketing attracts traffic, the first step in converting prospect into customers.

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We spoke with:

How Does Digital Marketing Work?

Digital marketing works by employing various strategies, each strategy serving a particular purpose, although their goal is common. The strategies work in tandem so as to direct relevant traffic to a business (through the business’s website). Ultimately, the one-time visitor becomes a returning, loyal customer. Continue reading to know the seven broad categories of digital marketing:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): it is an effectual method that increases the ROI by improving a website’s ranking in the SERP [Search Engine Result Page (The page displayed by a search engine in response to a query by a user)]. When the site’s ranking is improved, the traffic towards the website is improved. This is the start of the conversion process from visitor to customer.

Here’s a brief and quick refresher on what you need in order for you to do SEO for your web content:

Keyword Research: if you wish to generate traffic via search, the best way is keyword research before you start writing. By this, you can focus on the keywords for which some amount of search volume already exists. That is to say, , write towards topics that visitors are already searching for information about.

Keyword Optimization: understand where and how to use the keywords in your content for maximum search-ability. For instance, if I want to search for a digital marketing company in India, the keywords I would use will be “the best dental implant specialist in San Diego”, the best IT Company in India” and so on.

Content Organization: the content on your company’s website ought to be organized in a logical fashion. This is not just effective for SEO but also helps visitors on your website find other related content easily (The longer they stay on your website the better).

Content Marketing or Content Promotion: it’s a strategic marketing approach that focuses on creating and disseminating invaluable consistent content to grab the attention of potential customers. Content drives profits. It also plays a role in retaining the existing customers.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM): SEM is the process of attracting traffic and visibility from a search engine through Paid and Unpaid means. It is one of the most efficient methods to improve your business in the progressively competitive marketplace.

One of the most common SEM activities is SEM campaigns, which are online advertisement campaigns. SEM campaigns can be run on platforms such as Google Ads, Bing Ads and social media networks that allow advertising. Popular social media networks include Facebook and Instagram.

Social Media Optimization (SMO)

Social Media Optimization, abbreviated as SMO, is the process of increasing the awareness of a product, brand or event with the help of numerous social media outlets and groups to generate aggressive publicity.

SMO includes the use of RSS feed (expanded as RDF feed, which is a kind of Web feed that permits users and apps to gain access to updates to websites, in a machine language), social news, bookmarking sites, social media platforms, and video and blogging sites. The goal of SMO is same when compared to SEO as far as attracting traffic to websites.

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See How My Agency Can Drive More Traffic to Your Website

Content Marketing Stages

  • Planning
  • Development
  • Optimization
  • Distribution
  • Measurement

Pay-per-click Advertisement or PPC Advertisement: this is one of the models of online marketing in which advertisers pay a fee every time their advertisement is clicked. Essentially, it is a method of getting visits to your website, instead of earning those visits organically.

Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate Marketing is a kind of marketing based on performance, in which a business awards an affiliate for every visitor (potential customer) brought by the marketing efforts of the affiliate alone.

Email Marketing: in this approach, emails are sent directly to customers who’s are interested in your business. These emails don’t go to the Spam folder. Regardless of what you are marketing, you can adopt this approach as you can reach tens of thousands of prospects directly at a low cost as compared with the other means of advertisement.

SEM versus SEO – What is the difference?

Typically, SEM refers to paid-search marketing, a system in which businesses pay Google to show their ads in the SERP.

On the other hand, SEO does not require businesses to pay Google for traffic and clicks; Instead, they win a free spot in SERPs by having the most useful content for a given keyword search.

SEO as well as SEM ought to be the fundamental elements of your digital marketing strategy. SEO is an effective way to drive evergreen traffic, while search engine advertisements are a very cost-effective approach to drive conversions.

Keywords form the basis of SEM. As users do a search query by entering keywords into search engines to find what they want, you’ll be a little surprised that keywords form the basis of SEM as an advertising strategy.

Before you choose which keywords to use in the a search engine marketing campaign, you should do a thorough research as part of your keyword-management strategy.

First off, you should identify the keywords that are relevant to your business and those that prospects are likely to enter in a search engine when looking for your products or services. One way to achieve this is with the help of WordStream’s free keyword tool.

Just enter a keyword that is relevant to your business and see related keyword suggestion ideas that can form the foundation of different search engine marketing campaigns. The WordStream’s free keyword tool provides you with plenty of valuable information, including search volume for each individual keyword in Google.

The SEM Ad Auction

All ads go through something known as ‘Ad Auction’ before appearing in the SERP.

The auction process starts each time a user enters a “Search Query” on Google. In order to participate in the ad auction, advertisers choose the Keywords they want to bid on and show how much they are willing to spend (per click) to show their ads next to the results associated with those keywords. If Google determines that the keywords you bid for are associated with the words that the user is searching for, your Ad is entered in the Ad Auction.

How Does your Ad win the auction?

An Ad will not appear for each search performed on a search engine since the Ad Auction coniders a number of factors while determining whether or not to show Ads. The reason for this is not every word has a big commercial goal that makes Google show ads next to results.

IT Is Effective as well as Cost-effective

Online marketing is cheaper when compared with conventional methods. In conventional marketing, companies relied on print advertisements, billboards, direct mails, radio spots, and television advertisements. Although these marketing methods are effective, they come with heavy price tags, in spite of the digital communication.

Printing, distribution, and paying for the ad space can cost an arm and a leg. However, if you have a website, marketing on the Internet can be as easy as improving the elements on your website by making fine adjustments. This way, you can improve your chances of ranking well in a search engine or doing SEO. There’s a cost involved in getting professional help with this. However, it’s a lot easier to identify the right audience and target them with the help of online platforms.

Prospering businesses focus on continuous growth as they will surely fail at some point down the road. Internet marketing helps companies expand their consumer base, build loyalty, and provide them with a platform where they can share their feedback. Internet is the right place for such activities, without paying a huge sum for advertisements.

A strengthened online presence creates an irrefutable image in the minds of customers, which takes a considerable amount of time with conventional marketing channels. In contrast, companies that focus on online marketing can achieve a lot more in comparatively less time and create memorable experiences.

How Do I Measure My Company’s Performance?

A digital marketer focuses on a different KPI (Key Performance Indicator) for each channel so they can properly measure the company’s performance. A digital marketer who’s responsible for SEO, for instance, measures their site’s organic traffic, which is the traffic coming from visitors who discovered your website from a Google search. Digital marketing is carried out across various roles today. In small companies, one digital marketing generalist might own many of strategies mentioned above. In larger companies, on the other hand, there are multiple specialists in the digital marketing team, each specialist taking care of a particular function.

Mine is a small company. Will digital marketing strategies be useful?

Digital marketing works for anyone. Regardless of the size of your company, investment in digital marketing is worthwhile. In fact, when small companies begin, their focus is oftentimes on how to get their first set of patrons through the door. Most of them depend on traditional forms of advertising, including billboards and print ads. They might trust them as they know they sell good products or services. It is just a matter of time until consumers will find their way to them. This strategy does work. However, there’s a better and easier way. Small firms ought to consider the substantial marketplace of potential customers online. Small firms not using digital marketing have to understand the role of online marketing. Small-business digital marketing helps your biz thrive in the present-day competitive world and lets you make your mark. No small/ new businesses should overlook this massive marketplace.

Nevertheless, for many small business owners, digital marketing might seem perplexing or intimidating, especially when it comes to adopting the right strategy. Most small-business owners ask themselves the following questions:

  • Which method/s should I apply in order to get real-world results?
  • What small-business digital marketing strategy will give the most exposure?
  • How do I reach my marketing goals without wasting precious time and money?
  • Where should I start to to make sure that I reach the right audience?
  • Being a small-business owner, I need to have some clarity before getting to the digital marketing area. Fortunately, knowing the right level of clarity is not rocket science. The evidence is that a significant percentage of entrepreneurs experiment with small-business digital marketing and witness great success.

To get answers for your questions, scroll up and read “How Does Digital Marketing Work?”

So, now you know that digital marketing brings tremendous traffic to your website thereby increasing sales. At IT World Technologies, meet our SEO consulting experts who can provide you complete content optimization solutions for your business.


What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing, also known as online marketing, is the promotion of brands using the Internet and other forms of digital communication to connect with potential customers. This includes not only SEO services, email, social media and web-based advertising, but also text and multimedia messages as marketing channels. Essentially, if a marketing campaign involves digital communication, it is digital marketing.

Digital marketing is an indispensable element of establishing a successful start-up from the scratch. In spite of this, many establishes ignore this low-cost, high-rewarding business strategy. Your audience are online. More than 50% of consumers make purchases online, creating opportunities for small- and medium size- businesses (SMBs), permitting them to access new markets.

Digital marketing works by employing various strategies, each strategy serving a particular purpose, although their goal is common. The strategies work in tandem so as to direct relevant traffic to a business (through the business’s website). Ultimately, the one-time visitor becomes a returning, loyal customer. Continue reading to know the seven broad categories of digital marketing.

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